TEDxFukuokaにてお話しすることとなりました!テーマは”Tipping Point”で、2020年12月12日(土)にオンライン開催されます。お申込みのうえ、ぜひご参加ください!!
I’m going to give a speech about “Tipping Point” at the TEDxFukuoka(online)!!
12月12日(土)オンラインにてTEDxFukuoka2020 “tipping point”が開催されます。
【TEDxFukuoka2020 登壇者紹介】
五十嵐美樹 / サイエンスエデュテイナー、東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 客員研究員
Miki Igarashi has organized many science shows and science classes for kids, and her famous show, known as “Dancing Science Show”, flavored with hip hop, has attracted large amount of audience. What brought her into the science world is the experiment generating the rainbow she saw while young. She was deeply impressed that there is science in common things, and decided to work in science field. In 2018, she was awarded “Girls in STEM Contest 2018” Runner-Up prize, honoring individuals or groups who practice science education for girls, from the Nissan Global Foundation. In addition, she has broadened her activities both domestically and internationally, including speaking at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ International Women’s Conference WAW! (World Assembly for Women), holding STEM workshops in the United States etc.